Have a safe, pleasant, and bird-filled weekend.
Last but not least, remember the reason for the holiday.
Because I love to birdwatch...
and along the way I see many other things...
and learn more about our universe every day...
I went down to Squaw Creek NWR yesterday. There were lots of birds out and about in their breeding finery. I'll be posting more pictures in the next few days.
This guy, like all Green herons was really skittish, and he didn't hang around to pose for very long.
Have been having provider and computer issues. Think they are resolved now. Took these photos a couple of days ago. From the appearance of the "baby bird", I'm guessing it hadn't been hatched for very long. There were a couple of the little ones, and boy could they move, though one still had kind of wobbly legs.
Went up to Branched Oak Lake today and a couple of summer residents and one migrant chose to pose.
The summer residents: